As of April 1st of 2019 the Sideways Supply Co team is stepping back into the world of Mountainboarding...... so what has been happening in the mean time? Right now we are reaching out and building relationships with key people in the state of Utah and across the world. Sprinkling the seeds of stoke in regards to our direction and intention with the company. As of right now I wanted to share an update with the community and let you know what the state of things are with Sideways. 1. There are two parts to this. Sideways Supply Co is the online shop, Sideways Academy is the school. Currently we are working out the bugs for the shop and seeking out more brands to sell and promote. The school is technically open and ready for business. 2. Promotions.... we are about to launch our promotions and media in the next month or so. Make sure you are following both @sidewayssupplyco and @sidewaysacademy on instagram, twitter, facebook, and youtube. Besides the blog, these will be the source of all your Sideways Supply Co content. This will include updates on classes, progressions, new products and product reviews, as well as video parts, rider highlights and overall shenanigans.
3. We are working on some ways we can do some give-a-ways, those updates with be posted when we finalize. So cheers everybody, thanks for taking the time to check out this update. More to come! -H